Compound Module SingleHost

Package: oversim.underlay.singlehostunderlay
File: src/underlay/singlehostunderlay/SingleHost.ned

simulates a single host to connect it to a real network

NotificationBoard InterfaceTable RoutingTable IPacketParser IPacketParser ITier ITier ITier IOverlay UDP NetworkLayer RealworldDevice NeighborCache BootstrapList CryptoModule

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.


Name Type Description
SingleHostUnderlayNetwork network

The SingleHostUnderlay ned-file

See also: SingleHostUnderlayConfigurator


Name Type Default value Description
outDeviceType string

outDevice to use

overlayType string

overlay protocol compound module to use

tier1Type string

tier 1 module to use

tier2Type string

tier 2 module to use

tier3Type string

tier 3 module to use

numTiers int

number of tiers

parser string

name of the PacketParser to use

appParser string

name of the PacketParser to use

routingFile string ""
IPForward bool false


Name Value Description
display bgb=330,461;i=device/wifilaptop_l;i2=block/circle_s


Name Direction Size Description
overlayNeighborArrowIn [ ] input

incoming gate for direct connections from overlay neighbors

overlayNeighborArrowOut [ ] output

outgoing gate for direct connections to overlay neighbors

Unassigned submodule parameters:

Name Type Default value Description
networkLayer.ip.procDelay double 0s
networkLayer.arp.retryTimeout double 1s

number seconds ARP waits between retries to resolve an IP address

networkLayer.arp.retryCount int 3

number of times ARP will attempt to resolve an IP address

networkLayer.arp.cacheTimeout double 120s

number seconds unused entries in the cache will time out

outDev.mtu int

maximum transmission unit of the underlaying network

neighborCache.rpcUdpTimeout double

default timeout value for direct RPCs

neighborCache.rpcKeyTimeout double

default timeout value for routed RPCs

neighborCache.optimizeTimeouts bool

calculate timeouts from measured RTTs and network coordinates

neighborCache.rpcExponentialBackoff bool

if true, doubles the timeout for every retransmission

neighborCache.debugOutput bool

enable debug output

neighborCache.enableNeighborCache bool

use neighbor cache for reducing ping traffic?

neighborCache.rttExpirationTime double

expiration of the validity of the measured rtts

neighborCache.maxSize double

maximum size of the cache

neighborCache.rttHistory int
neighborCache.timeoutAccuracyLimit double
neighborCache.defaultQueryType string
neighborCache.defaultQueryTypeI string
neighborCache.defaultQueryTypeQ string
neighborCache.doDiscovery bool
neighborCache.collectClosestNodes int
neighborCache.ncsType string
neighborCache.useNcsForTimeout bool
neighborCache.ncsPiggybackOwnCoords bool
neighborCache.discoveryModeNumCloseNodes int

discovery mode settings

neighborCache.discoveryModeNumSpreadedNodes int
neighborCache.discoveryModeMaxSteps int
neighborCache.discoveryModeSpreadedSteps int
neighborCache.gnpDimensions int

gnp settings

neighborCache.gnpCoordCalcRuns int
neighborCache.gnpLandmarkTimeout double
neighborCache.npsMaxLayer int

nps settings

neighborCache.vivaldiShowPosition bool

vivaldi settings

neighborCache.vivaldiErrorConst double
neighborCache.vivaldiCoordConst double
neighborCache.vivaldiDimConst double
neighborCache.vivaldiEnableHeightVector bool
neighborCache.svivaldiLossConst double

svivaldi settings

neighborCache.svivaldiLossResetLimit double
neighborCache.simpleNcsDelayFaultType string

simpleNcs settings

neighborCache.treeMgmtEnableTreeManagement bool

Tree Management Settings

neighborCache.treeMgmtBuildInterval double

the interval to check the childNodeMap

neighborCache.treeMgmtChildrenTimeOut double

after this timeout an alive check ping is send

neighborCache.gvbEnableGlobalViewBuilder bool

Global View Builder Settings

neighborCache.gvbCoordSendInterval double

the interval to send the coordinates data

neighborCache.gvbOnlyAcceptCompleteCCD bool
neighborCache.gvbSendStrategy string

the send strategy to use. (sendAll|simplifyCoords|removeRandom|removeInaccurate|regions|treeTest)

neighborCache.gvbStrategyRemoveCoordsMode string

strategy mode (percentage|limitCoords|limitTraffic)

neighborCache.gvbStrategyRemoveCoordsPercentage int
neighborCache.gvbStrategyRemoveCoordsCoordsLimit int
neighborCache.gvbStrategyRemoveCoordsTrafficLimit int
neighborCache.gvbStrategyRegionsSizePerDimension int
neighborCache.gvbStrategyRegionsMaxSpread int
neighborCache.gvbStrategySimplifyCoordsFactor int
neighborCache.gvbC2AParameter string

parameterstring to append to c2a.rb call

neighborCache.gvbDistributeGlobalView bool

create areas and distribute the globalView to all nodes

bootstrapList.rpcUdpTimeout double

default timeout value for direct RPCs

bootstrapList.rpcKeyTimeout double

default timeout value for routed RPCs

bootstrapList.optimizeTimeouts bool

calculate timeouts from measured RTTs and network coordinates

bootstrapList.rpcExponentialBackoff bool

if true, doubles the timeout for every retransmission

bootstrapList.debugOutput bool

enable debug output

bootstrapList.mergeOverlayPartitions bool

if true, detect and merge overlay partitions

bootstrapList.maintainList bool

maintain a list of bootstrap candidates and check them periodically

cryptoModule.keyFile string

the name of the file containing the public key pair used to sign messages

Source code:

// simulates a single host to connect it to a real network
module SingleHost
        string outDeviceType; // outDevice to use
        string overlayType; // overlay protocol compound module to use
        string tier1Type; // tier 1 module to use
        string tier2Type; // tier 2 module to use
        string tier3Type; // tier 3 module to use
        int numTiers; // number of tiers
        string parser; // name of the PacketParser to use
        string appParser; // name of the PacketParser to use
        string routingFile = default("");
        bool IPForward = default(false);

        input overlayNeighborArrowIn[]; // incoming gate for direct connections from overlay neighbors
        output overlayNeighborArrowOut[]; // outgoing gate for direct connections to overlay neighbors

        notificationBoard: NotificationBoard {
        interfaceTable: InterfaceTable {
        routingTable: RoutingTable {
                IPForward = IPForward; // true if ip packets should be forwarded
                routerId = ""; // id of the router
                routingFile = routingFile; // use predefined routing file if given
        packetParser: <parser> like IPacketParser {
        applicationParser: <appParser> like IPacketParser {
        tier3: <tier3Type> like ITier {
        tier2: <tier2Type> like ITier {
        tier1: <tier1Type> like ITier {
        overlay: <overlayType> like IOverlay {
        udp: UDP {
        networkLayer: NetworkLayer {
                proxyARP = false; // sets proxy \ARP mode (replying to \ARP requests for the addresses for which a routing table entry exists)
        outDev: <outDeviceType> like RealworldDevice {
        neighborCache: NeighborCache {
        bootstrapList: BootstrapList {
        cryptoModule: CryptoModule {
    connections allowunconnected:
        tier1.to_lowerTier --> overlay.appIn if numTiers>0;
        tier1.from_lowerTier <-- overlay.appOut if numTiers>0;
        tier1.udpOut --> udp.appIn++ if numTiers>0;
        udp.appOut++ --> tier1.udpIn if numTiers>0;

        tier2.to_lowerTier --> tier1.from_upperTier if numTiers > 1;
        tier2.from_lowerTier <-- tier1.to_upperTier if numTiers > 1;
        tier2.udpOut --> udp.appIn++ if numTiers>1;
        udp.appOut++ --> tier2.udpIn if numTiers>1;

        tier3.to_lowerTier --> tier2.from_upperTier if numTiers > 2;
        tier3.from_lowerTier <-- tier2.to_upperTier if numTiers > 2;
        tier3.udpOut --> udp.appIn++ if numTiers>2;
        udp.appOut++ --> tier3.udpIn if numTiers>2;

        overlay.udpOut --> udp.appIn++;
        overlay.udpIn <-- udp.appOut++;

        bootstrapList.udpOut --> udp.appIn++;
        bootstrapList.udpIn <-- udp.appOut++;

        udp.ipOut --> networkLayer.udpIn;
        udp.ipIn <-- networkLayer.udpOut;

        // connections to network outside
        outDev.netwOut --> networkLayer.ifIn[0];
        outDev.netwIn <-- networkLayer.ifOut[0];
