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Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of OverSimChurn

May 5, 2009, 1:50:32 PM (15 years ago)
Ingmar Baumgart



  • OverSimChurn

    v7 v8  
    11== OverSim and Churn ==
    2 !OverSim uses churn generators for simulating non-static networks. The different churn generators simulate different user behaviour and can be configured individually. Note: all churn generators use an "init phase" where nodes will be added to the network until targetOverlayTerminalNum is reached: On average every "**.initPhaseCreationInterval" seconds, one node will be added; measurements will start after all nodes have joined the network.
     2!OverSim uses churn generators for simulating non-static networks. The different churn generators simulate different user behaviour and can be configured individually. Note: all churn generators use an "init phase" where nodes will be added to the network until targetOverlayTerminalNum is reached: On average every "**.initPhaseCreationInterval" seconds, one node will be added. After all nodes have been added the so called ''transition phase'' starts, which is used to let the network stabilize before measurements begin. The duration of the transition phase is specified by the ''**.transitionTime'' parameter. After the transition phase has ended, finally the ''measurement phase'' begins, in which statistics are collected. The duration of the measurement phase is specified by the ''**.measurementTime'' parameter. At the end of the measurement phase the simulation ends.
    44=== Churn Generators ===