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Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of OverSimDevelop

Sep 10, 2009, 1:56:33 PM (15 years ago)
Ingmar Baumgart



  • OverSimDevelop

    v30 v31  
    592592// set all simulations to last 1000 seconds
    593 sim-time-limit = 1000s
     593measurement-time = 1000s
    595595// this is a module path! do not confuse with parameter paths.
    599 Now, unless specified otherwise, all configurations will use [ SimpleUnderlayNetwork] as their network. Notice that the value of "network" is a module path, which represents the location of the ned file, and not a parameter path.
    601 Further on networks, there are two base networks: SimpleUnderlay and Ipv4Underlay. !SimpleUnderlay is a simplified flat network where each node is assigned coordinates, packet latencies are calculated based on the distance of the source and destination node coordinates, and each nodes are directly connected to one another. Ipv4Underlay emulates real-life networks and contain hierarchies of nodes, routers, and backbones. Network modules can be accessed under the names of !SimpleUnderlayNetwork for !SimpleUnderlay and Ipv4Network for Ipv4Underlay.
     599Now, unless specified otherwise, all configurations will use SimpleUnderlayNetwork as their network. Notice that the value of "network" is a module path, which represents the location of the ned file, and not a parameter path.
     601Further on networks, there are two base networks: SimpleUnderlayNetwork and InetUnderlayNetwork. !SimpleUnderlay is a simplified flat network where each node is assigned coordinates, packet latencies are calculated based on the distance of the source and destination node coordinates, and each nodes are directly connected to one another. Ipv4Underlay emulates real-life networks and contain hierarchies of nodes, routers, and backbones. Network modules can be accessed under the names of SimpleUnderlayNetwork for !SimpleUnderlay and InetUnderlayNetwork for !InetUnderlay.
    603603Now, once the network type has been set, we can set the parameter values that we'll need. For example, let's create a configuration called "Example". There are two basic parts that should be configured: the churn type, and the node parameters.
    605 The churn type tells OverSim how often it should add or delete nodes from the network. There are many churn types (e.g. NoChurn for a static network, LifetimeChurn for creating nodes with a given lifetime distribution, and so on); for a complete list see the ned files in !OverSim/src/common. In our example, we'll use the less interesting NoChurn, which disables churn in our network. There are plenty of examples in !OverSim/simulations/omnetpp.ini for all churns.
     605The churn generator tells OverSim how often it should add or delete nodes from the network. There are several different churn generators (e.g. NoChurn for a static network, LifetimeChurn for creating nodes with a given lifetime distribution, and so on); for a complete list look at OverSimChurn. In our example, we'll use NoChurn, which disables churn in our network. There are plenty of examples in !OverSim/simulations/omnetpp.ini for using other churn generators.
    607607The second part are the node parameters. Two node parameters are obligatory: tier1Type (to specify the application module), and overlayType (for the overlay module). Further parameters can be specified for these application and overlay modules. For this example, we'll use the module !MyOverlayModules, which we declared in a previous chapter.
    666 **.application.sendPeriod = ${Period=1s, 2s, 5s}
     666**.application.sendPeriod = ${Period=1, 2, 5}s