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Changes between Version 43 and Version 44 of OverSimFeatures

Nov 3, 2010, 10:35:27 PM (14 years ago)
Ingmar Baumgart



  • OverSimFeatures

    v43 v44  
    55[[Image(arch_small.png, right, nolink)]]
    7   * '''Flexibility''': The simulator allows to simulate both structured and unstructured overlay networks (currently ''Chord'', ''Pastry'', ''Bamboo'', ''Koorde'', ''Broose'', ''Kademlia'', ''GIA'', ''NICE'', ''Vast'', and ''Publish-Subscribe for MMOGs'' are implemented). The modular design and use of the Common API facilitate the extension with new features or protocols. Module behaviour can easily be customized by specify parameters in a human readable configuration file.
     7  * '''Flexibility''': The simulator allows to simulate both structured and unstructured overlay networks (currently ''Chord'', ''Pastry'', ''Bamboo'', ''Koorde'', ''Broose'', ''Kademlia'', ''GIA'', ''NICE'', ''NTree'', ''Quon'', ''Vast'', and ''Publish-Subscribe for MMOGs'' are implemented). The modular design and use of the Common API facilitate the extension with new features or protocols. Module behavior can easily be customized by specify parameters in a human readable configuration file.
    99  * '''Interactive GUI''': In order to validate and debug new or existing overlay protocols you can make use of the GUI of OMNeT++, which visualizes networks topologies, messages and node state variables like the routing table.
    11   * '''Exchangeable Underlying Network Models''': Our simulation framework has a flexible underlying network scheme, which on the one hand provides a fully configurable network topology with realistic bandwidths, packet delays, and packet losses (''INETUnderlay''), and on the other hand a fast alternative model for high simulation performance (''!SimpleUnderlay'').
     11  * '''Exchangeable Underlying Network Models''': Our simulation framework has a flexible underlying network scheme, which on the one hand provides a fully configurable network topology with realistic bandwidths, packet delays, and packet losses (''INETUnderlay''), and on the other hand a fast alternative model for high simulation performance (''!SimpleUnderlay''). !OverSim supports IPv4 and IPV6 as well as UDP and TCP.
    1313  * '''Scalability''': !OverSim was designed with performance in mind. On a modern desktop PC a typical Chord network of 10,000 nodes can be simulated in real-time. We successfully simulated networks of up to 100,000 nodes.