'''For support of [https://i72projekte.tm.uka.de/trac/ReaSE/ ReaSE topologies] in !OverSim, you need a new ReaSE version, which will be released in a couple of days. As soon as this release is available, this page will be updated with install instructions. ''' 1. Download and compile ReaSE (in the following we assume you have installed OMNeT++ and !OverSim to ~/sim/): {{{ cd ~/sim tar xzvf /tmp/ReaSE-OMNeT4-1.22-src.tar.gz cd ReaSE make OVERSIM=true }}} 2. Recompile !OverSim with ReaSE support {{{ cd ~/sim/OverSim-20101103 make REASE=true }}} 3. Edit 'simulations/default.ini' in the OverSim directory and modify the 'ned-path' to contain the ReaSE directory. 4. Download and install the ReaSE GUI: {{{ cd ~/sim tar xzvf /tmp/ReaSEGUI-OMNeT4-1.21.tar.gz cd ~/sim/ReaseGUI/TGM make }}} 5. Start the Java based ReaSEGUI to create new topologies: {{{ cd ~/sim/ReaSEGUI/ReaSEGUI/dist java -jar ReaSEGUI.jar }}}