'''For support of [https://i72projekte.tm.uka.de/trac/ReaSE/ ReaSE topologies] in !OverSim, you need a new ReaSE version, which will be released in a couple of days!''' 1. Download and compile ReaSE (in the following we assume you have installed OMNeT++ and !OverSim to ~/sim/): {{{ cd ~/sim tar xzvf /tmp/ReaSE-OMNeT4-1.22-src.tar.gz cd ReaSE make OVERSIM=true }}} 2. Recompile !OverSim with ReaSE support {{{ cd ~/sim/OverSim-20101103 make REASE=true }}} 3. Edit 'simulations/default.ini' in the OverSim directory and modify the 'ned-path' to contain the ReaSE directory. 4. Download and install the ReaSE GUI: {{{ cd ~/sim tar xzvf /tmp/ReaSEGUI-OMNeT4-1.21.tar.gz cd ~/sim/ReaseGUI/TGM make }}} 5. Start the Java based ReaSEGUI to create new topologies: {{{ cd ~/sim/ReaSEGUI/ReaSEGUI/dist java -jar ReaSEGUI.jar }}}