= The P2P Simulation Framework = !OverSim is an open-source overlay network simulation framework for the [http://www.omnetpp.org/ OMNeT++/OMNEST] simulation environment. The peer-to-peer simulator contains several models for structured (e.g. Chord, Kademlia, Pastry) and unstructured (e.g. GIA) P2P protocols. !OverSim is developed at the [http://www.tm.uka.de/itm/index.php?lang=en Institute of Telematics (research group Prof. Zitterbart)], Universität Karlsruhe (TH) within the scope of the [http://www.scalenet.de ScaleNet] project funded by the [http://www.bmbf.de/en/index.php German Federal Ministry of Education and Research]. The simulator is actively developed and open to contributions. If you have any questions regarding !OverSim, please send an email to the MailingList. '''If you write a paper using !OverSim, please use the following citation: [http://www.tm.uka.de/itm/publications.php?bib=250&lang=en bibtex reference]'''. = News = September 19, 2008 * Released [OverSimDownload OverSim-20080919]. * New overlay gaming protocol PubSubMMOG * New overlay protocol Bamboo * Additional routing types: * Exhaustive-iterative, full-recursive, source-routing-recursive * Enhanced !IterativeLookup module * Supports parallel RPCs and lookup over disjoint paths * Enhanced !SimpleUnderlay model: * Added packet loss support to SimpleUDP * Jitter in SimpleUDP * !NoChurn churn generator * Several API and INI FILE CHANGES - check your files! * Many other bugfixes and enhancements (take a look at [/chrome/site/Documentation/ChangeLog doc/ChangeLog]) [OldNews [Old News...]] {{{ #!html