= The P2P Simulation Framework = !OverSim is an open-source overlay network simulation framework for the [http://www.omnetpp.org/ OMNeT++/OMNEST] simulation environment. The peer-to-peer simulator contains several models for structured (e.g. Chord, Kademlia, Pastry) and unstructured (e.g. GIA) P2P protocols. !OverSim is developed at the [http://www.tm.uka.de/itm/index.php?lang=en Institute of Telematics (research group Prof. Zitterbart)], Universität Karlsruhe (TH) within the scope of the [http://www.scalenet.de ScaleNet] project funded by the [http://www.bmbf.de/en/index.php German Federal Ministry of Education and Research]. The simulator is actively developed and open to contributions. If you have any questions regarding !OverSim, please send an email to the MailingList. '''If you write a paper using !OverSim, please use the following citation: [http://www.tm.uka.de/itm/publications.php?bib=250&lang=en bibtex reference]'''. = News = September 8, 2009 * Released [OverSimDownload OverSim-20090908]. * New Python scripts for postprocessing and plotting * New application layer multicast protocol NICE * GNP/NPS network coordinate system * Hotspot roaming model for simplegameclient * DHT: support for multiple entries with the same key * Underlays: Added support for asymmetric channels * Several API and INI FILE CHANGES - check your files! * Many other bugfixes and enhancements (take a look at [/chrome/site/doc/ChangeLog doc/ChangeLog]) March 4, 2009 * The ''GI/ITG Fachgruppe KuVS'' has awarded the !OverSim project with the ''KuVS Communication Software'' prize. The prize is awarded for innovative software for use in communication and distributed systems. January 16, 2009 * !OverSim was successfully deployed in the [http://www.planet-lab.org/ PlanetLab] research network on about 450 nodes to provide the [http://www.p2pns.org/ peer-to-peer name service P2PNS]. The P2PNS name service is used to built a P2P SIP VoIP network without servers. There is a [http://p2pname.org/ P2P SIP demo website] which shows the current overlay status and allows to make P2PSIP test calls. [OldNews [Old News...]] {{{ #!html