OverlayDummy Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for OverlayDummy:
BaseOverlay BaseRpc BaseTcpSupport TopologyVis RpcListener

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from BaseOverlay
enum  States {
  JOIN = 4, POSTJOIN = 5, READY = 6, REFRESH = 7,
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseOverlay
 BaseOverlay ()
virtual ~BaseOverlay ()
 Virtual destructor.
States getState ()
bool isMalicious ()
 Returns true, if node is malicious.
bool isInSimpleMultiOverlayHost ()
 Returns true if overlay is one in an array, inside a SimpleMultiOverlayHost.
const simtime_t & getCreationTime ()
void join (const OverlayKey &nodeID=OverlayKey::UNSPECIFIED_KEY)
 Join the overlay with a given nodeID.
virtual NodeVectorlocal_lookup (const OverlayKey &key, int num, bool safe)
 finds nodes closest to the given OverlayKey
virtual NodeVectorneighborSet (int num)
virtual bool isSiblingFor (const NodeHandle &node, const OverlayKey &key, int numSiblings, bool *err)
 Query if a node is among the siblings for a given key.
virtual int getMaxNumSiblings ()
 Query the maximum number of siblings (nodes close to a key) that are maintained by this overlay protocol.
virtual int getMaxNumRedundantNodes ()
 Query the maximum number of redundant next hop nodes that are returned by findNode().
void sendMessageToUDP (const TransportAddress &dest, cPacket *msg, simtime_t delay=SIMTIME_ZERO)
 Sends message to underlay.
void sendToKey (const OverlayKey &key, BaseOverlayMessage *message, int numSiblings=1, const std::vector< TransportAddress > &sourceRoute=TransportAddress::UNSPECIFIED_NODES, RoutingType routingType=DEFAULT_ROUTING)
 Sends a message to an overlay node, with the generic routing algorithm.
virtual OverlayKey distance (const OverlayKey &x, const OverlayKey &y, bool useAlternative=false) const
 This method should implement the distance between two keys.
void registerComp (CompType compType, cModule *module)
cModule * getCompModule (CompType compType)
cGate * getCompRpcGate (CompType compType)
void sendMessageToAllComp (cMessage *msg, CompType srcComp)
bool providesKbr ()
virtual uint8_t getBitsPerDigit ()
bool getMeasureAuthBlock ()
BootstrapListgetBootstrapList () const
virtual OverlayKey estimateMeanDistance ()
 returns mean distance between OverlayKeys in the network
virtual uint32_t estimateOverlaySize ()
 estimates the current number of nodes online
- Protected Types inherited from BaseOverlay
< AbstractLookup
*, lookupHashFcn,
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BaseOverlay
int numInitStages () const
 Sets init stage.
virtual void initializeOverlay (int stage)
 Initializes derived-class-attributes.
virtual void finishOverlay ()
 collects statistical data in derived class
void bindToPort (int port)
 Tells UDP we want to get all packets arriving on the given port.
virtual void route (const OverlayKey &key, CompType destComp, CompType srcComp, cPacket *msg, const std::vector< TransportAddress > &sourceRoute=TransportAddress::UNSPECIFIED_NODES, RoutingType routingType=DEFAULT_ROUTING)
 Routes message through overlay.
void callDeliver (BaseOverlayMessage *msg, const OverlayKey &destKey)
 Calls deliver function in application.
void callForward (const OverlayKey &key, BaseRouteMessage *msg, const NodeHandle &nextHopNode)
 Calls forward function in application.
void callUpdate (const NodeHandle &node, bool joined)
 Informs application about state changes of nodes or newly joined nodes.
void handleMessage (cMessage *msg)
 Checks for message type and calls corresponding method.
void handleBaseOverlayMessage (BaseOverlayMessage *msg, const OverlayKey &destKey=OverlayKey::UNSPECIFIED_KEY)
 Handles a BaseOverlayMessage

virtual void handleUDPMessage (BaseOverlayMessage *msg)
 Processes messages from underlay.
virtual void handleAppMessage (cMessage *msg)
 Processes "timer" self-messages.
virtual void receiveChangeNotification (int category, const cPolymorphic *details)
 callback-method for events at the NotificationBoard
virtual void handleTransportAddressChangedNotification ()
 This method gets call if the node has a new TransportAddress (IP address) because he changed his access network.
virtual void handleNodeLeaveNotification ()
 This method gets call **.gracefulLeaveDelay seconds before it is killed.
virtual void handleNodeGracefulLeaveNotification ()
 This method gets call **.gracefulLeaveDelay seconds before it is killed if this node is among the gracefulLeaveProbability nodes.
virtual void recordOverlaySentStats (BaseOverlayMessage *msg)
 Collect overlay specific sent messages statistics.
void setOverlayReady (bool ready)
 Sets the overlay ready icon and register/deregisters the node at the GlobalNodeList.
virtual AbstractLookupcreateLookup (RoutingType routingType=DEFAULT_ROUTING, const BaseOverlayMessage *msg=NULL, const cPacket *findNodeExt=NULL, bool appLookup=false)
 Creates an abstract iterative lookup instance.
virtual void removeLookup (AbstractLookup *lookup)
 Removes the abstract lookup instance.
virtual NodeVectorfindNode (const OverlayKey &key, int numRedundantNodes, int numSiblings, BaseOverlayMessage *msg=NULL)
 Implements the find node call.
virtual void joinOverlay ()
 Join the overlay with a given nodeID in thisNode.key.
virtual void joinForeignPartition (const NodeHandle &node)
 Join another overlay partition with the given node as bootstrap node.
virtual bool handleFailedNode (const TransportAddress &failed)
 Handles a failed node.
virtual void lookupRpc (LookupCall *call)
virtual void nextHopRpc (NextHopCall *call)
void countFindNodeCall (const FindNodeCall *call)
void countFailedNodeCall (const FailedNodeCall *call)
bool internalHandleRpcCall (BaseCallMessage *msg)
 Handles internal rpc requests.
void internalHandleRpcResponse (BaseResponseMessage *msg, cPolymorphic *context, int rpcId, simtime_t rtt)
 Handles rpc responses internal in base classes

void internalHandleRpcTimeout (BaseCallMessage *msg, const TransportAddress &dest, cPolymorphic *context, int rpcId, const OverlayKey &destKey)
 Handles rpc timeouts internal in base classes

void internalSendRouteRpc (BaseRpcMessage *message, const OverlayKey &destKey, const std::vector< TransportAddress > &sourceRoute, RoutingType routingType)
CompType getThisCompType ()
 Return the component type of this module.
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseOverlay
int numAppDataForwarded
 number of forwarded app data packets
int bytesAppDataForwarded
 number of forwarded app data bytes at out-gate
int numAppLookupForwarded
 number of forwarded app lookup packets
int bytesAppLookupForwarded
 number of forwarded app lookup bytes at out-gate
int numMaintenanceForwarded
 number of forwarded maintenance packets
int bytesMaintenanceForwarded
 number of forwarded maintenance bytes at out-gate
int numFindNodeSent
int bytesFindNodeSent
int numFindNodeResponseSent
int bytesFindNodeResponseSent
int numFailedNodeSent
int bytesFailedNodeSent
int numFailedNodeResponseSent
int bytesFailedNodeResponseSent
std::vector< HopDelayRecord * > singleHopDelays
simtime_t creationTime
 simtime when the node has been created
 pointer to GlobalNodeList in this node
NotificationBoard * notificationBoard
 pointer to NotificationBoard in this node
 pointer to UnderlayConfigurator in this node
 pointer to the BootstrapList module
 pointer to the GlobalParameters module
uint32_t overlayId
 identifies the overlay this node belongs to (used for multiple overlays)
bool debugOutput
 debug output ?
RoutingType defaultRoutingType
bool useCommonAPIforward
 forward messages to applications?
bool collectPerHopDelay
 collect delay for single hops
bool routeMsgAcks
 send ACK when receiving route message
uint32_t recNumRedundantNodes
 numRedundantNodes for recursive routing
bool recordRoute
 record visited hops on route
bool drawOverlayTopology
bool rejoinOnFailure
bool sendRpcResponseToLastHop
 needed by KBR protocols for NAT support
bool dropFindNodeAttack
 if node is malicious, it tries a findNode attack
bool isSiblingAttack
 if node is malicious, it tries a isSibling attack
bool invalidNodesAttack
 if node is malicious, it tries a invalidNode attack
bool dropRouteMessageAttack
 if node is malicious, it drops all received BaseRouteMessages
int localPort
 used UDP-port
int hopCountMax
 maximum hop count
bool measureAuthBlock
 if true, measure the overhead of signatures in rpc messages
bool restoreContext
 if true, a node rejoins with its old nodeId and malicious state
int numDropped
 number of dropped packets
int bytesDropped
 number of dropped bytes
cOutVector delayVector
 statistical output vector for packet-delays
cOutVector hopCountVector
 statistical output vector for hop-counts
States state
IterativeLookupConfiguration iterativeLookupConfig
RecursiveLookupConfiguration recursiveLookupConfig
LookupSet lookups
bool kbr
 set this to true, if the overlay provides KBR services

Detailed Description

Antonio Zea

Definition at line 27 of file OverlayDummy.cc.

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