Packet DHTgetCAPICall

File: src/common/CommonMessages.msg

C++ definition

Message type to order the value corresponding to the OverlayKey key from the node responsible of key

Author: Ingmar Baumgart

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.


Name Type Description
BaseCallMessage packet

A basic Remote-Procedure-Call message


Name Type Description
key OverlayKey

corresponding OverlayKey to the requested value

kind uint32_t

the kind of the stored data item

id uint32_t

the id to identify multiple date items with same key and kind

nonce unsigned int

nonce to match RPC responses to corresponding calls

srcNode NodeHandle

source node

authBlock AuthBlock[]

optional authentication block containing a signature

type int

message type

statType int

message type for stats

Source code:

// Message type to order the value corresponding to the OverlayKey key from the node responsible of key
// @author Ingmar Baumgart
packet DHTgetCAPICall extends BaseCallMessage
    OverlayKey key; // corresponding OverlayKey to the requested value
    uint32_t kind = 1; // the kind of the stored data item
    uint32_t id = 1; // the id to identify multiple date items with same key and kind 