Packet BaseCallMessage

File: src/common/CommonMessages.msg

C++ definition

A basic Remote-Procedure-Call message

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.


Name Type Description
BaseRpcMessage packet

A basic Remote-Procedure-Call message used for calls and return values

Known subclasses:

Name Type Description
BucketCall packet

requests a bucket from the destination node

CapReqCall packet (no description)
ChildCheckCall packet
ChildReleaseCall packet
CoordsOfNodeCall packet

Ping RPC Call asking for Coordinates

CoordsReqCall packet

RPC Call asking for Coordinates

DeBruijnCall packet (no description)
DHTdumpCall packet

Request to dump all local DHT records

DHTGetCall packet (no description)
DHTgetCAPICall packet

Message type to order the value corresponding to the OverlayKey key from the node responsible of key

DHTPutCall packet (no description)
DHTputCAPICall packet

Message type to store value at the keys root

DiscoveryCall packet

TODO generated message class

FailedNodeCall packet

A basic failed node notification

FindNodeCall packet

A basic find node rpc response

FixfingersCall packet

Message used to verify our ChordFingerTable

JoinCall packet

Message used to join a chord overlay

KbrTestCall packet

A basic find node rpc call

LookupCall packet

Internal RPC to ask overlay to start a lookup

Author: Ingmar Baumgart

MyNeighborCall packet (no description)
NextHopCall packet

A next hop rpc call

NotifyCall packet

Message used to inform about existing predecessors

NTreeDivideCall packet (no description)
NTreeJoinCall packet (no description)
NTreePingCall packet (no description)
P2pnsRegisterCall packet

P2PNS Register RPC Call

P2pnsResolveCall packet

P2PNS Resolve RPC Call

ParentRequestCall packet
PastryJoinCall packet (no description)
PingCall packet

A basic ping rpc call

PubSubAdoptChildCall packet (no description)
PubSubBackupCall packet (no description)
PubSubHelpCall packet (no description)
PubSubIntermediateCall packet (no description)
PubSubJoinCall packet (no description)
PubSubPingCall packet (no description)
PubSubResponsibleNodeCall packet (no description)
PubSubSubscriptionCall packet (no description)
PubSubTakeOverSubspaceCall packet (no description)
RequestLeafSetCall packet (no description)
RequestRepairCall packet (no description)
RequestRoutingRowCall packet (no description)
RequestStateCall packet (no description)
RttToNodeCall packet

Ping RPC Call asking for RTT to Node

ScribeJoinCall packet (no description)
ScribePublishCall packet (no description)
StabilizeCall packet

Message used for the stabilization protocol as mentioned in "Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Lookup Protocol for Internet(1,2) Applications"

TreeAppCall packet (no description)
UnderlayTestCall packet

A basic rpc call for measuring underlay latencies


Name Type Description
nonce unsigned int

nonce to match RPC responses to corresponding calls

srcNode NodeHandle

source node

authBlock AuthBlock[]

optional authentication block containing a signature

type int

message type

statType int

message type for stats

Source code:

// A basic Remote-Procedure-Call message
packet BaseCallMessage extends BaseRpcMessage