Packet DHTputCAPICall

File: src/common/CommonMessages.msg

C++ definition

Message type to store value at the keys root

Author: Ingmar Baumgart

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.


Name Type Description
BaseCallMessage packet

A basic Remote-Procedure-Call message


Name Type Description
key OverlayKey

overlayKey that corresponds with value

kind uint32_t

the kind of the stored data item

id uint32_t

the id to identify multiple date items with same key and kind

value BinaryValue

value that has to be stored on keys root

ttl int

time to life

isModifiable bool

true, if the data item may be overwritten by other nodes

nonce unsigned int

nonce to match RPC responses to corresponding calls

srcNode NodeHandle

source node

authBlock AuthBlock[]

optional authentication block containing a signature

type int

message type

statType int

message type for stats

Source code:

// Message type to store value at the keys root
// @author Ingmar Baumgart
packet DHTputCAPICall extends BaseCallMessage
    OverlayKey key; // overlayKey that corresponds with value
    uint32_t kind = 1; // the kind of the stored data item
    uint32_t id = 1; // the id to identify multiple date items with same key and kind 
    BinaryValue value; // value that has to be stored on keys root
    int ttl; // time to life
    bool isModifiable; // true, if the data item may be overwritten by other nodes