NED File src/applications/i3/OverlayI3.ned

Name Type Description
OverlayI3 compound module

Container for I3 module and trigger table

Author: Antonio Zea

Source code:

package oversim.applications.i3;

import oversim.common.ITier;

// Container for I3 module and trigger table
// @author Antonio Zea
module OverlayI3 like ITier
        bool debugOutput;

        input udpIn;    // gate from the UDP layer
        input from_lowerTier;    // gate from the lower tier
        input from_upperTier;    // gate from the upper tier
        input tcpIn;    // gate from the TCP layer
        output tcpOut;    // gate to the TCP layer
        output udpOut;    // gate to the UDP layer
        output to_lowerTier;    // gate to the lower tier
        output to_upperTier;    // gate to the upper tier

        i3: I3;
        triggerTable: TriggerTable;
    connections allowunconnected:
        udpIn --> i3.udpIn;
        udpOut <-- i3.udpOut;
        from_lowerTier --> i3.from_lowerTier;
        to_lowerTier <-- i3.to_lowerTier;
        from_upperTier --> i3.from_upperTier;
        to_upperTier <-- i3.to_upperTier;