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OverSim News

December 6, 1012

  • Released OverSim-20121206.
    • Compatible with OMNeT++ 4.2.2 and gcc 4.7
    • Complete rewrite of Pastry and Bamboo using OverSim's RPC interface
    • SimpleUnderlay: added optional tx queue for the destination access router (parameter enableAccessRouterTxQueue)
    • InetUnderlay now depends on unmodified INET-20111118
    • Many other bugfixes and enhancements (take a look at doc/ChangeLog)

February 1, 2012

  • OverSwarm is an OverSim extension for creating and evaluating swarm intelligence based peer-to-peer network algorithms. Download it on the OverSwarm website.

November 3, 2010

  • Released OverSim-20101103.
    • Support for the ReaSE Internet topology generator (ReaSEUnderlay)
    • TCP support for SimpleUnderlay and InetUnderlay (still experimental)
    • IPv6 support for SimpleUnderlay and InetUnderlay (still experimental)
    • N-Tree: New overlay protocol for virtual worlds
    • Recursive routing for the Kademlia protocol
    • GlobalNodeList now internally uses a better data structure (implemented in the PeerStorage class). This allows for random node access in O(1).
    • Many other bugfixes and enhancements (take a look at doc/ChangeLog)

July 7, 2010

  • Open position for a PhD student in a junior research group working on the topic of distributed social networks. This position includes the development and evaluation of new protocols with OverSim.

September 9, 2009

September 8, 2009

  • Released OverSim-20090908.
    • New Python scripts for postprocessing and plotting
    • New application layer multicast protocol NICE
    • GNP/NPS network coordinate system
    • Hotspot roaming model for simplegameclient
    • DHT: support for multiple entries with the same key
    • Underlays: Added support for asymmetric channels
    • Several API and INI FILE CHANGES - check your files!
    • Many other bugfixes and enhancements (take a look at doc/ChangeLog)

March 20, 2009

  • Released OverSim-20090320.
    • OMNeT++-4.0 compatibility
    • OverSim now runs on Linux, Windows, MAC OS X and Maemo :-)
    • New overlay gaming protocol QuON
    • Vivaldi network coordinate system
    • Uses NED file inheritance
    • Several API and INI FILE CHANGES - check your files!
    • Many other bugfixes and enhancements (take a look at doc/ChangeLog)

March 4, 2009

  • The GI/ITG Fachgruppe KuVS has awarded the OverSim project with the KuVS Communication Software prize. The prize is awarded for innovative software for use in communication and distributed systems.

January 16, 2009

September 19, 2008

  • Released OverSim-20080919.
    • New overlay gaming protocol PubSubMMOG
    • New overlay protocol Bamboo
    • Additional routing types:
      • Exhaustive-iterative, full-recursive, source-routing-recursive
    • Enhanced IterativeLookup module
      • Supports parallel RPCs and lookup over disjoint paths
    • Enhanced SimpleUnderlay model:
      • Added packet loss support to SimpleUDP
      • Jitter in SimpleUDP
    • NoChurn churn generator
    • Several API and INI FILE CHANGES - check your files!
    • Many other bugfixes and enhancements (take a look at doc/ChangeLog)

April 16, 2008

  • Released OverSim-20080416.
    • Overlay protocol Kademlia
    • Overlay application i3 (Internet Indirection Infrastructure)
    • ALM protocol Scribe
    • TraceChurnGenerator / GlobalTraceManager modules
    • More realistic synthetic coordinates in SimpleUnderlay
    • Overlay application P2PNS (Peer-To-Peer Name Service)
    • PingCache class to reduce probe traffic
    • SimpleGameClient
    • Network partitioning/merging support
    • RecursiveLookup class
    • CommonALM-API (Application Layer Multicast)
    • Several other bugfixes and enhancements (take a look at doc/ChangeLog)

September 26, 2007

  • Released OverSim-20070926.
    • Added a CommonAPI lookup() call to the XML-RPC interface
    • BaseOverlay improvements: new pointers to application layer modules
    • Bugfixes for Chord and Pastry
    • New GlobalParameters module
    • Several other bugfixes and enhancements (take a look at doc/ChangeLog)

August 31, 2007

July 24, 2007

  • Released OverSim-20070724.
    • New overlay protocol YMMOG
    • New churn models
    • Global statistics module
    • Several bugfixes and enhancements (take a look at doc/ChangeLog)

June 1, 2007

  • We've added a "Browse Source" section to this page, so users can take a look at our development svn repository.

May 11, 2007

May 7, 2007

  • We'll present OverSim on the Global Internet Symposium 2007 on May 11, 2007. The paper is available for download on the GI website.

April 4, 2007

March 12, 2007

  • Visit us at CeBIT 2007 in hall 9, stand A40 for a live demonstration of OverSim!

December 15, 2007

  • First public release of OverSim.
Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on Dec 7, 2012, 3:09:43 PM
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