Packet PastryStateMessage

File: src/overlay/pastry/PastryMessage.msg

C++ definition

Message used to send a PastryState

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.


Name Type Description
BaseOverlayMessage packet

Base class for all messages handled by overlay modules


Name Type Description
pastryStateMsgType int

the type of the PastryStateMessage

sender NodeHandle

NodeHandle of the node sending this message

routingTable NodeHandle[]

the routingTable of the sender

leafSet NodeHandle[]

the leafSet of the sender

neighborhoodSet NodeHandle[]

the neighborhoodSet of the sender

row int

row or number of hops this message takes

lastHop bool

is this node the destination node?

timestamp simtime_t

simTime when sending this message

type int

message type

statType int

message type for stats

Source code:

// Message used to send a PastryState
packet PastryStateMessage extends BaseOverlayMessage
    int pastryStateMsgType @enum(PastryStateMsgType) = PASTRY_STATE_STD;    // the type of the PastryStateMessage
    NodeHandle sender = NodeHandle::UNSPECIFIED_NODE;    // NodeHandle of the node sending this message
    NodeHandle routingTable[];    // the routingTable of the sender
    NodeHandle leafSet[];         // the leafSet of the sender
    NodeHandle neighborhoodSet[]; // the neighborhoodSet of the sender
    int row = 0;                  // row or number of hops this message takes
    bool lastHop = false;         // is this node the destination node?
    simtime_t timestamp;          // simTime when sending this message