Packet BaseOverlayMessage

File: src/common/CommonMessages.msg

C++ definition

Base class for all messages handled by overlay modules

Author: Bernhard Heep

See also: ChordMessage

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.


Name Type Description
OverSimMessage packet (no description)

Known subclasses:

Name Type Description
BaseAppDataMessage packet (no description)
BaseRouteMessage packet (no description)
BaseRpcMessage packet

A basic Remote-Procedure-Call message used for calls and return values

BootstrapLookupMessage packet

Internal message for the BootstrapList lookup listener

ChordMessage packet

Base message for all messages used by Chord

GameAPIMessage packet


GiaMessage message

Main GIA-Message definition

Author: Robert Palmer

KademliaRoutingInfoMessage packet

Message to inform node about potential next hops during recursive routing

NiceMessage message (no description)
NTreeCollapseMessage packet (no description)
NTreeGroupAddMessage packet (no description)
NTreeGroupDeleteMessage packet (no description)
NTreeLeaveMessage packet (no description)
NTreeMoveMessage packet (no description)
NTreeReplaceNodeMessage packet (no description)
NTreeTakeOverMessage packet (no description)
PastryStateMessage packet

Message used to send a PastryState

PubSubBackupIntermediateMessage packet (no description)
PubSubBackupSubscriptionMessage packet (no description)
PubSubBackupUnsubscribeMessage packet (no description)
PubSubFailedNodeMessage packet (no description)
PubSubHelpReleaseMessage packet (no description)
PubSubMoveListMessage packet (no description)
PubSubMoveMessage packet (no description)
PubSubNodeLeftMessage packet (no description)
PubSubReleaseIntermediateMessage packet (no description)
PubSubReplacementMessage packet (no description)
PubSubUnsubscriptionMessage packet (no description)
QuonMessage packet


VastMessage packet

Base message for all messages used by Vast JOIN_REQUEST, ENCLOSING_NEIGHBORS_REQUEST, PING, PONG


Name Type Description
type int

message type

statType int

message type for stats

Source code:

// Base class for all messages handled by overlay modules
// @author Bernhard Heep
// @see ChordMessage
packet BaseOverlayMessage extends OverSimMessage
    int type @enum(BaseOverlayMessageType) = OVERLAYSIGNALING;  // message type
    int statType @enum(StatType) = MAINTENANCE_STAT; // message type for stats