Name | Type | Description |
ChordCommand | enum | (no description) |
ChordMessage | packet |
Base message for all messages used by Chord |
NewSuccessorHintMessage | packet |
Message used to inform about a new successor node |
NotifyCall | packet |
Message used to inform about existing predecessors |
NotifyResponse | packet |
Message used to answer to a NotifyCall message |
JoinCall | packet |
Message used to join a chord overlay |
JoinResponse | packet |
Message used to answer to a JoinCall message |
StabilizeCall | packet |
Message used for the stabilization protocol as mentioned in "Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Lookup Protocol for Internet(1,2) Applications" |
StabilizeResponse | packet |
Message used to answer to a StabilizeCall message |
FixfingersCall | packet |
Message used to verify our ChordFingerTable |
FixfingersResponse | packet |
Message used to answer to a FixfingersCall message |
KoordeFindNodeExtMessage | packet |
Message used to find nodes in the Koorde overlay |
DeBruijnCall | packet | (no description) |
DeBruijnResponse | packet |
Message used to answer to a DeBruijnCall message |
// // Copyright (C) 2006 Institut fuer Telematik, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // // @author Ingmar Baumgart, Markus Mauch // cplusplus {{ #include <IPvXAddress.h> #include <NodeHandle.h> #include <TransportAddress.h> #include <CommonMessages_m.h> // constants for message length in bit static const int CHORDCOMMAND_L = 8; static const int SUCNUM_L = 8; static const int FINGER_L = 8; static const int STEP_L = 8; static const int PRENODESET_L = 1; #define NEWSUCCESSORHINT_L(msg) (BASEOVERLAY_L(msg) + CHORDCOMMAND_L + \ 2*NODEHANDLE_L) #define NOTIFYCALL_L(msg) (BASECALL_L(msg)) #define NOTIFYRESPONSE_L(msg) (BASERESPONSE_L(msg) + SUCNUM_L + NODEHANDLE_L +\ (msg->getSucNodeArraySize() * NODEHANDLE_L) +\ PRENODESET_L) #define JOINCALL_L(msg) BASECALL_L(msg) #define JOINRESPONSE_L(msg) (BASERESPONSE_L(msg) + SUCNUM_L + NODEHANDLE_L +\ (msg->getSucNodeArraySize() * NODEHANDLE_L)) #define STABILIZECALL_L(msg) BASECALL_L(msg) #define STABILIZERESPONSE_L(msg) (BASERESPONSE_L(msg) + NODEHANDLE_L) #define FIXFINGERSCALL_L(msg) (BASECALL_L(msg) + FINGER_L) #define FIXFINGERSRESPONSE_L(msg) (BASERESPONSE_L(msg) + FINGER_L + \ NODEHANDLE_L + SUCNUM_L + \ (msg->getSucNodeArraySize() * NODEHANDLE_L)) #define DEBRUIJNCALL_L(msg) (BASECALL_L(msg) + KEY_L) #define DEBRUIJNRESPONSE_L(msg) (BASERESPONSE_L(msg) + SUCNUM_L + NODEHANDLE_L + \ (msg->getSucNodeArraySize() * NODEHANDLE_L)) #define KOORDEFINDNODEEXTMESSAGE_L (KEY_L + STEP_L) }} //todo add more Koorde message lengths class noncobject IPvXAddress; class noncobject NodeHandle; class noncobject OverlayKey; class noncobject TransportAddress; class BaseOverlayMessage; class BaseRpcMessage; class BaseCallMessage; class BaseResponseMessage; enum ChordCommand { NEWSUCCESSORHINT = 0; } // // Base message for all messages used by Chord // packet ChordMessage extends BaseOverlayMessage { int command enum(ChordCommand); // message type (NEWSUCCESSORHINT, ...) } // // Message used to inform about a new successor node // packet NewSuccessorHintMessage extends ChordMessage { NodeHandle srcNode; // nodehandle of the message originator NodeHandle preNode; // the predecessor of the message originator } // // Message used to inform about existing predecessors // packet NotifyCall extends BaseCallMessage { TransportAddress failed = TransportAddress::UNSPECIFIED_NODE; } // // Message used to answer to a NotifyCall message // packet NotifyResponse extends BaseResponseMessage { int sucNum; // number of entries in the successor list NodeHandle sucNode[]; // successor list of the message originator NodeHandle preNode; // in aggressiveJoinMode: predecessor hint bool preNodeSet; // indicates if the dest node has been set as new predecessor (for merging) } // // Message used to join a chord overlay // packet JoinCall extends BaseCallMessage { } // // Message used to answer to a JoinCall message // packet JoinResponse extends BaseResponseMessage { int sucNum; // number of entries in the successor list NodeHandle sucNode[]; // successor list of the message originator NodeHandle preNode; // in aggressiveJoinMode: predecessor hint } // // Message used for the stabilization protocol as mentioned in // "Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Lookup Protocol for Internet Applications" // packet StabilizeCall extends BaseCallMessage { } // // Message used to answer to a StabilizeCall message // packet StabilizeResponse extends BaseResponseMessage { NodeHandle preNode; // the predecessor of the message originator } // // Message used to verify our ChordFingerTable // packet FixfingersCall extends BaseCallMessage { int finger; // the number of the finger to update } // // Message used to answer to a FixfingersCall message // packet FixfingersResponse extends BaseResponseMessage { int finger; // the number of the finger to update NodeHandle sucNode[]; // the successor of the message originator } // ----------- Koorde ------------------- // // Message used to find nodes in the Koorde overlay // packet KoordeFindNodeExtMessage { OverlayKey routeKey; // the OverlayKey of the next hop node int step; // the de bruijn routing step } packet DeBruijnCall extends BaseCallMessage { OverlayKey destKey; // the OverlayKey of the destination node } // // Message used to answer to a DeBruijnCall message // packet DeBruijnResponse extends BaseResponseMessage { NodeHandle dBNode; int sucNum; // number of entries in the successor list NodeHandle sucNode[]; // successor list of the message originator }