Base class for RPCs. More...
#include <BaseRpc.h>
Public Member Functions | |
BaseRpc () | |
const NodeHandle & | getThisNode () |
Returns the NodeHandle of this node. | |
simtime_t | getUdpTimeout () |
![]() | |
virtual | ~RpcListener () |
destructor |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual bool | internalHandleRpcCall (BaseCallMessage *msg) |
Handles internal rpc requests. | |
virtual void | internalHandleRpcResponse (BaseResponseMessage *msg, cPolymorphic *context, int rpcId, simtime_t rtt) |
Handles rpc responses internal in base classes | |
virtual void | internalHandleRpcTimeout (BaseCallMessage *msg, const TransportAddress &dest, cPolymorphic *context, int rpcId, const OverlayKey &destKey) |
Handles rpc timeouts internal in base classes | |
void | initRpcs () |
Initializes Remote-Procedure state. | |
void | finishRpcs () |
Deinitializes Remote-Procedure state. | |
virtual void | internalHandleRpcMessage (BaseRpcMessage *msg) |
Handles incoming rpc messages and delegates them to the corresponding listeners or handlers. | |
uint32_t | sendRouteRpcCall (CompType destComp, const TransportAddress &dest, const OverlayKey &destKey, BaseCallMessage *msg, cPolymorphic *context=NULL, RoutingType routingType=DEFAULT_ROUTING, simtime_t timeout=-1, int retries=0, int rpcId=-1, RpcListener *rpcListener=NULL) |
Routes a Remote-Procedure-Call message to an OverlayKey. | |
uint32_t | sendRouteRpcCall (CompType destComp, const OverlayKey &destKey, BaseCallMessage *msg, cPolymorphic *context=NULL, RoutingType routingType=DEFAULT_ROUTING, simtime_t timeout=-1, int retries=0, int rpcId=-1, RpcListener *rpcListener=NULL) |
Routes a Remote-Procedure-Call message to an OverlayKey. | |
uint32_t | sendRouteRpcCall (CompType destComp, const TransportAddress &dest, BaseCallMessage *msg, cPolymorphic *context=NULL, RoutingType routingType=DEFAULT_ROUTING, simtime_t timeout=-1, int retries=0, int rpcId=-1, RpcListener *rpcListener=NULL) |
Sends a Remote-Procedure-Call message using the overlay's UDP port This replaces ROUTE_DIRECT calls! | |
uint32_t | sendUdpRpcCall (const TransportAddress &dest, BaseCallMessage *msg, cPolymorphic *context=NULL, simtime_t timeout=-1, int retries=0, int rpcId=-1, RpcListener *rpcListener=NULL) |
Sends a Remote-Procedure-Call message to the underlay | |
uint32_t | sendInternalRpcCall (CompType destComp, BaseCallMessage *msg, cPolymorphic *context=NULL, simtime_t timeout=-1, int retries=0, int rpcId=-1, RpcListener *rpcListener=NULL) |
Sends an internal Remote-Procedure-Call between two tiers | |
void | cancelRpcMessage (uint32_t nonce) |
Cancels a Remote-Procedure-Call. | |
void | cancelAllRpcs () |
Cancels all RPCs. | |
void | sendRpcResponse (TransportType transportType, CompType destComp, const TransportAddress &dest, const OverlayKey &destKey, BaseCallMessage *call, BaseResponseMessage *response) |
Send Remote-Procedure response message and deletes call message. | |
void | sendRpcResponse (BaseCallMessage *call, BaseResponseMessage *response) |
Send Remote-Procedure response message to UDP and deletes call message. | |
int | pingNode (const TransportAddress &dest, simtime_t timeout=-1, int retries=0, cPolymorphic *context=NULL, const char *caption="PING", RpcListener *rpcListener=NULL, int rpcId=-1, TransportType transportType=INVALID_TRANSPORT) |
ping a node by its TransportAddress | |
virtual bool | handleRpcCall (BaseCallMessage *msg) |
Processes Remote-Procedure-Call invocation messages. | |
virtual CompType | getThisCompType ()=0 |
Return the component type of this module. | |
virtual void | sendMessageToUDP (const TransportAddress &addr, cPacket *message, simtime_t delay=SIMTIME_ZERO) |
virtual void | pingResponse (PingResponse *pingResponse, cPolymorphic *context, int rpcId, simtime_t rtt) |
virtual void | pingTimeout (PingCall *pingCall, const TransportAddress &dest, cPolymorphic *context, int rpcId) |
bool | internalHandleMessage (cMessage *msg) |
![]() | |
virtual void | handleRpcResponse (BaseResponseMessage *msg, cPolymorphic *context, int rpcId, simtime_t rtt) |
This method is called if an RPC response has been received. | |
virtual void | handleRpcResponse (BaseResponseMessage *msg, const RpcState &rpcState, simtime_t rtt) |
This method is called if an RPC response has been received. | |
virtual void | handleRpcTimeout (BaseCallMessage *msg, const TransportAddress &dest, cPolymorphic *context, int rpcId, const OverlayKey &destKey) |
This method is called if an RPC timeout has been reached. | |
virtual void | handleRpcTimeout (const RpcState &rpcState) |
This method is called if an RPC timeout has been reached. |
Protected Attributes | |
NodeHandle | thisNode |
NodeHandle to this node. | |
BaseOverlay * | overlay |
bool | debugOutput |
debug output ? | |
GlobalStatistics * | globalStatistics |
pointer to GlobalStatistics module in this node | |
CompType | thisCompType |
NeighborCache * | neighborCache |
pointer to the neighbor cache | |
CryptoModule * | cryptoModule |
pointer to CryptoModule | |
int | numPingSent |
int | bytesPingSent |
int | numPingResponseSent |
int | bytesPingResponseSent |
Private Types | |
typedef UNORDERED_MAP< int, RpcState > | RpcStates |
Private Member Functions | |
virtual void | handleTimerEvent (cMessage *msg) |
uint32_t | sendRpcCall (TransportType transportType, CompType destComp, const TransportAddress &dest, const OverlayKey &destKey, BaseCallMessage *msg, cPolymorphic *context, RoutingType routingType, simtime_t timeout, int retries, int rpcId, RpcListener *rpcListener) |
Sends a Remote-Procedure-Call message to the underlay. | |
void | sendRpcMessageWithTransport (TransportType transportType, CompType destComp, RoutingType routingType, const std::vector< TransportAddress > &sourceRoute, const OverlayKey &destKey, BaseRpcMessage *message) |
virtual void | internalSendRouteRpc (BaseRpcMessage *message, const OverlayKey &destKey, const std::vector< TransportAddress > &sourceRoute, RoutingType routingType)=0 |
virtual void | internalSendRpcResponse (BaseCallMessage *call, BaseResponseMessage *response)=0 |
void | pingRpcCall (PingCall *call) |
void | pingRpcResponse (PingResponse *response, cPolymorphic *context, int rpcId, simtime_t rtt) |
void | pingRpcTimeout (PingCall *pingCall, const TransportAddress &dest, cPolymorphic *context, int rpcId) |
Private Attributes | |
int | rpcsPending |
RpcListener * | defaultRpcListener |
RpcStates | rpcStates |
simtime_t | rpcUdpTimeout |
simtime_t | rpcKeyTimeout |
bool | optimizeTimeouts |
bool | rpcExponentialBackoff |
private |
BaseRpc::BaseRpc | ( | ) |
Definition at line 52 of file BaseRpc.cc.
protected |
Cancels all RPCs.
Definition at line 158 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by BasePastry::baseChangeState(), Pastry::changeState(), and finishRpcs().
protected |
Cancels a Remote-Procedure-Call.
nonce | The nonce of the RPC |
Definition at line 278 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by RecursiveLookup::abortLookup(), IterativeLookup::abortLookup(), IterativeLookup::checkStop(), and IterativeLookup::stop().
protected |
Deinitializes Remote-Procedure state.
Definition at line 147 of file BaseRpc.cc.
protectedpure virtual |
Return the component type of this module.
This method is overloaded by BaseOverlay/BaseApp and returns the appropriate component type of this module.
Implemented in BaseOverlay, BaseApp, NeighborCache, and BootstrapList.
Referenced by initRpcs(), pingNode(), sendRpcCall(), and sendRpcMessageWithTransport().
inline |
Returns the NodeHandle of this node.
Reimplemented in SimpleGameClient.
Definition at line 71 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by TreeManagement::addChildNode(), IterativeLookup::addSibling(), TreeManagement::checkParentValid(), GlobalViewBuilder::cleanup(), TreeManagement::connectToParent(), TreeManagement::debugChildren(), RealWorldTestApp::deliver(), KBRTestApp::deliver(), PastryLeafSet::failedNode(), KBRTestApp::forward(), PastryLeafSet::getBiggestNode(), NeighborCache::getOverlayThisNode(), NeighborCache::getProx(), TreeManagement::getResponsibleDomainKey(), PastryLeafSet::getSmallestNode(), oversim::Nice::handleAppMessage(), Kademlia::handleBucketRefreshTimerExpired(), GlobalViewBuilder::handleCoordinateRpcCall(), GlobalViewBuilder::handleCoordSendTimer(), KBRTestApp::handleLookupResponse(), GIASearchApp::handleLowerMessage(), Kademlia::handleNodeGracefulLeaveNotification(), TreeManagement::handleParentRequestRpcCall(), TreeManagement::handleParentRequestRpcResponse(), NeighborCache::handleReadyMessage(), IterativePathLookup::handleResponse(), DiscoveryMode::handleRpcResponse(), KBRTestApp::handleRpcResponse(), Kademlia::handleRpcResponse(), TreeManagement::handleRpcTimeout(), KBRTestApp::handleRpcTimeout(), SimpleGameClient::handleTimerEvent(), GIASearchApp::handleTimerEvent(), Landmark::initializeApp(), SimpleGameClient::initializeApp(), BrooseBucket::initializeBucket(), PastryLeafSet::insertLeaf(), TreeManagement::isRoot(), BrooseBucket::keyInRange(), IterativeLookup::lookup(), PastryLeafSet::mergeNode(), BrooseBucket::output(), TreeManagement::removeParentConnection(), Kademlia::routingAdd(), Kademlia::routingBucketIndex(), DiscoveryMode::sendNewRequest(), IterativePathLookup::sendRpc(), sendRpcCall(), sendRpcResponse(), Nps::setOwnLayer(), GlobalViewBuilder::spreadGlobalView(), DiscoveryMode::start(), IterativeLookup::start(), DiscoveryMode::stop(), IterativeLookup::stop(), and NeighborCache::updateNode().
inline |
Definition at line 73 of file BaseRpc.h.
protectedvirtual |
Processes Remote-Procedure-Call invocation messages.
This method should be overloaded when the overlay provides RPC functionality.
Reimplemented in NeighborCache, oversim::Chord, BasePastry, oversim::Koorde, Kademlia, Scribe, CBRDHT, Broose, Pastry, SimMud, NTree, PubSubLobby, and PubSubMMOG.
Definition at line 527 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by internalHandleRpcMessage().
privatevirtual |
Reimplemented in NeighborCache, Kademlia, Gia, Scribe, I3, Broose, oversim::Nice, CBRDHT, SimMud, GIASearchApp, Bamboo, Pastry, SimpleGameClient, oversim::Koorde, oversim::Chord, NTree, ALMTest, Quon, Vast, RealWorldTestApp, PubSubLobby, and PubSubMMOG.
Definition at line 86 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by internalHandleMessage().
protected |
Initializes Remote-Procedure state.
Definition at line 92 of file BaseRpc.cc.
protected |
Definition at line 59 of file BaseRpc.cc.
protectedvirtual |
Handles internal rpc requests.
This method is used to implement basic functionality in the BaseRpc.
msg | The call message |
Reimplemented in BaseOverlay, and BaseApp.
Definition at line 492 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by BaseApp::internalHandleRpcCall(), BaseOverlay::internalHandleRpcCall(), and internalHandleRpcMessage().
protectedvirtual |
Handles incoming rpc messages and delegates them to the corresponding listeners or handlers.
msg | The message to handle. |
Definition at line 293 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by internalHandleMessage().
protectedvirtual |
Handles rpc responses internal in base classes
This method is used to implement basic functionality in the BaseRpc.
msg | The call message |
context | Pointer to an optional state object. The object has to be handled/deleted by the internalHandleRpcResponse() code |
rpcId | The ID of the call |
rtt | the time between sending the call and receiving the response |
Reimplemented in BaseOverlay, and BaseApp.
Definition at line 501 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by internalHandleRpcMessage(), BaseApp::internalHandleRpcResponse(), and BaseOverlay::internalHandleRpcResponse().
protectedvirtual |
Handles rpc timeouts internal in base classes
This method is used to implement basic functionality in the BaseRpc.
msg | The call message |
dest | The node that did not response |
context | Pointer to an optional state object. The object has to be handled/deleted by the internalHandleRpcResponse() code |
rpcId | The ID of the call |
destKey | The key of the call if used |
Reimplemented in BaseOverlay.
Definition at line 513 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by internalHandleRpcMessage(), and BaseOverlay::internalHandleRpcTimeout().
privatepure virtual |
Implemented in BaseOverlay, and BaseApp.
Referenced by sendRpcMessageWithTransport().
privatepure virtual |
Referenced by sendRpcResponse().
protected |
ping a node by its TransportAddress
Statistics are collected by this method.
dest | the node to ping |
timeout | RPC timeout |
retries | how often to retry after timeout |
context | a pointer to an arbitrary cPolymorphic object, which can be used to store additional state |
caption | special name for the ping call (instead of "PING") |
rpcListener | RPC Listener |
rpcId | RPC id |
transportType | The transport used for this RPC |
Definition at line 702 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by IterativeLookup::addSibling(), Pastry::changeState(), Pastry::handleRequestLeafSetResponse(), Pastry::handleRequestRoutingRowResponse(), KBRTestApp::handleTimerEvent(), Kademlia::handleTimerEvent(), Kademlia::joinOverlay(), NeighborCache::queryProx(), and Kademlia::routingAdd().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in oversim::Chord, Broose, BootstrapList, and Pastry.
Definition at line 659 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by pingRpcResponse().
private |
Definition at line 669 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by internalHandleRpcCall().
private |
Definition at line 688 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by internalHandleRpcResponse().
private |
Definition at line 694 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by internalHandleRpcTimeout().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in oversim::Chord, Broose, and BootstrapList.
Definition at line 664 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by pingRpcTimeout().
inlineprotected |
Sends an internal Remote-Procedure-Call between two tiers
If no timeout is provided, a default value of globalParameters.rpcUdpTimeout for underlay and globalParameters.rpcKeyTimeout for a overlay rpc is used. After a timeout the message gets retransmitted for at maximum retries times. The destKey attribute is kept untouched.
destComp | Destination component |
msg | RPC Call Message |
context | a pointer to an arbitrary cPolymorphic object, which can be used to store additional state |
timeout | RPC timeout in seconds (-1=use default value, 0=no timeout) |
retries | How often we try to resent rpc call, if it gets lost |
rpcId | RPC id |
rpcListener | RPC Listener |
Definition at line 326 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by KBRTestApp::handleTimerEvent().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in BaseOverlay, and BaseApp.
Definition at line 429 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by sendRpcMessageWithTransport().
inlineprotected |
Routes a Remote-Procedure-Call message to an OverlayKey.
If no timeout is provided, a default value of globalParameters.rpcUdpTimeout for underlay and globalParameters.rpcKeyTimeout for a overlay rpc is used. After a timeout the message gets retransmitted for at maximum retries times. The destKey attribute is kept untouched.
destComp | The destination component |
dest | Destination node handle (if specified, used as first hop) |
destKey | Destination OverlayKey (if unspecified, the message will be sent to dest using the overlay's UDP port) |
msg | RPC Call Message |
context | a pointer to an arbitrary cPolymorphic object, which can be used to store additional state |
routingType | KBR routing type |
timeout | RPC timeout in seconds (-1=use default value, 0=no timeout) |
retries | How often we try to resent rpc call, if it gets lost |
rpcId | RPC id |
rpcListener | RPC Listener |
Definition at line 178 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by Bamboo::changeState(), Pastry::changeState(), TreeManagement::checkTreeChildNodes(), MyOverlay::getNeighbors(), TreeManagement::handleRpcTimeout(), KBRTestApp::handleTimerEvent(), RecursiveLookup::lookup(), pingNode(), TreeManagement::registerAtParent(), GlobalViewBuilder::sendCapRequest(), TreeManagement::sendChildReleaseCall(), Nps::sendCoordsReqCall(), TreeManagement::sendMessageToChildren(), TreeManagement::sendMessageToParent(), DiscoveryMode::sendNewRequest(), and DiscoveryMode::start().
inlineprotected |
Routes a Remote-Procedure-Call message to an OverlayKey.
If no timeout is provided, a default value of globalParameters.rpcUdpTimeout for underlay and globalParameters.rpcKeyTimeout for a overlay rpc is used. After a timeout the message gets retransmitted for at maximum retries times. The destKey attribute is kept untouched.
destComp | The destination component |
destKey | Destination OverlayKey |
msg | RPC Call Message |
context | a pointer to an arbitrary cPolymorphic object, which can be used to store additional state |
routingType | KBR routing type |
timeout | RPC timeout in seconds (-1=use default value, 0=no timeout) |
retries | How often we try to resent rpc call, if it gets lost |
rpcId | RPC id |
rpcListener | RPC Listener |
Definition at line 219 of file BaseRpc.h.
inlineprotected |
Sends a Remote-Procedure-Call message using the overlay's UDP port
This replaces ROUTE_DIRECT calls!
If no timeout is provided, a default value of globalParameters.rpcUdpTimeout for underlay and globalParameters.rpcKeyTimeout for a overlay rpc is used. After a timeout the message gets retransmitted for at maximum retries times. The destKey attribute is kept untouched.
destComp | The destination component |
dest | Destination node handle (may contain a source route) |
msg | RPC Call Message |
context | a pointer to an arbitrary cPolymorphic object, which can be used to store additional state |
routingType | KBR routing type |
timeout | RPC timeout |
retries | How often we try to resent rpc call, if it gets lost |
rpcId | RPC id |
rpcListener | RPC Listener |
private |
Sends a Remote-Procedure-Call message to the underlay.
sendRouteRpcCall(), sendInternalRpcCall(), or sendUdpRpcCall()
If no timeout is provided, a default value of globalParameters.rpcUdpTimeout for underlay and globalParameters.rpcKeyTimeout for a overlay rpc is used. Internal RPCs don't have a default timeout. After a timeout the message gets retransmitted for at maximum retries times. The destKey attribute is kept untouched.
transportType | The type of transport |
destComp | The destination component |
dest | Destination node handle (may contain a source route) |
destKey | route the RPC to the node that is responsible for destkey |
msg | RPC Call Message |
context | a pointer to an arbitrary cPolymorphic object, which can be used to store additional state |
routingType | KBR routing type |
timeout | RPC timeout in seconds (-1=use default value, 0=no timeout) |
retries | How often we try to resent rpc call, if it gets lost |
rpcId | RPC id |
rpcListener | RPC Listener (callback handler) |
Definition at line 173 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by sendInternalRpcCall(), sendRouteRpcCall(), and sendUdpRpcCall().
private |
Definition at line 620 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by internalHandleRpcMessage(), sendRpcCall(), and sendRpcResponse().
protected |
Send Remote-Procedure response message and deletes call message.
transportType | The transport used for this RPC |
destComp | Destination component |
dest | The TransportAddress of the destination (hint for ROUTE_TRANSPORT) |
destKey | The destination key for a ROUTE_TRANSPORT |
call | The corresponding call message to the response |
response | The response message |
Definition at line 532 of file BaseRpc.cc.
Referenced by Nps::coordsReqRpc(), GlobalViewBuilder::handleCapReqRpcCall(), TreeManagement::handleChildCheckRpcCall(), GlobalViewBuilder::handleCoordinateRpcCall(), TreeManagement::handleParentRequestRpcCall(), Pastry::handlePastryJoinCall(), BasePastry::handleRequestLeafSetCall(), Pastry::handleRequestRepairCall(), BasePastry::handleRequestRoutingRowCall(), Pastry::handleRequestStateCall(), DiscoveryMode::handleRpcCall(), MyOverlay::handleRpcCall(), KBRTestApp::kbrTestCall(), pingRpcCall(), sendRpcResponse(), and KBRTestApp::underlayTestCall().
protected |
Send Remote-Procedure response message to UDP and deletes call message.
call | The corresponding call message to the response |
response | The response message |
Definition at line 600 of file BaseRpc.cc.
inlineprotected |
Sends a Remote-Procedure-Call message to the underlay
If no timeout is provided, a default value of globalParameters.rpcUdpTimeout for underlay and globalParameters.rpcKeyTimeout for a overlay rpc is used. After a timeout the message gets retransmitted for at maximum retries times. The destKey attribute is kept untouched.
dest | Destination node handle (may contain a source route) |
msg | RPC Call Message |
context | a pointer to an arbitrary cPolymorphic object, which can be used to store additional state |
timeout | RPC timeout in seconds (-1=use default value, 0=no timeout) |
retries | How often we try to resent rpc call, if it gets lost |
rpcId | RPC id |
rpcListener | RPC Listener |
Definition at line 293 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by Pastry::changeState(), Pastry::checkProxCache(), Bamboo::doLeafsetMaintenance(), Bamboo::doLocalTuning(), Pastry::doRoutingTableMaintenance(), Pastry::doSecondStage(), Pastry::handleFailedNode(), Kademlia::handleNodeGracefulLeaveNotification(), Pastry::handleStateMessage(), IterativePathLookup::handleTimeout(), Pastry::handleTimerEvent(), KBRTestApp::handleTimerEvent(), pingNode(), IterativeLookup::sendRpc(), and Kademlia::sendSiblingFindNodeCall().
protected |
Definition at line 451 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by initRpcs(), and pingRpcCall().
protected |
Definition at line 449 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by initRpcs(), and pingNode().
protected |
pointer to CryptoModule
Definition at line 446 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by BaseRpc(), and initRpcs().
private |
Definition at line 523 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by BaseRpc(), finishRpcs(), initRpcs(), and sendRpcCall().
protected |
pointer to GlobalStatistics module in this node
Definition at line 86 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by Quon::changeState(), Vast::finishOverlay(), Quon::finishOverlay(), MyOverlay::finishOverlay(), Gia::finishOverlay(), oversim::Nice::finishOverlay(), BasePastry::finishOverlay(), Kademlia::finishOverlay(), Kademlia::handleBucketRefreshTimerExpired(), Quon::handleNodeMove(), Vast::handleNodeMove(), initRpcs(), and SendToKeyListener::SendToKeyListener().
protected |
pointer to the neighbor cache
Definition at line 445 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by BasePastry::baseInit(), BaseRpc(), BasePastry::determineAliveTable(), Landmark::finishApp(), Landmark::initializeApp(), initRpcs(), internalHandleRpcMessage(), Bamboo::lookupFinished(), BasePastry::pingNodes(), BasePastry::prePing(), Kademlia::routingAdd(), sendRpcCall(), and sendRpcResponse().
protected |
Definition at line 450 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by initRpcs(), and pingRpcCall().
protected |
Definition at line 448 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by initRpcs(), and pingNode().
private |
Definition at line 526 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by initRpcs(), and sendRpcCall().
protected |
Definition at line 80 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by BaseApp::callLocalLookup(), BaseApp::callNeighborSet(), GlobalViewBuilder::cleanup(), SimpleUnderlayNCS::createNcsInfo(), RealWorldTestApp::deliver(), KBRTestApp::deliver(), KBRTestApp::forward(), NeighborCache::getOverlayThisNode(), NeighborCache::getProx(), oversim::Nice::handleAppMessage(), GlobalViewBuilder::handleCoordSendTimer(), KBRTestApp::handleLookupResponse(), GIASearchApp::handleLowerMessage(), TreeManagement::handleParentRequestRpcResponse(), NeighborCache::handleReadyMessage(), KBRTestApp::handleRpcResponse(), KBRTestApp::handleRpcTimeout(), SimpleGameClient::handleTimerEvent(), GIASearchApp::handleTimerEvent(), KBRTestApp::handleTimerEvent(), NeighborCache::handleTimerEvent(), SimpleUnderlayNCS::init(), TreeManagement::init(), Nps::init(), Landmark::initializeApp(), SimpleGameClient::initializeApp(), NeighborCache::initializeApp(), initRpcs(), BaseApp::isSiblingFor(), IterativeLookup::lookup(), NeighborCache::prepareOverlay(), sendRpcCall(), sendRpcMessageWithTransport(), sendRpcResponse(), NeighborCache::setCbrNodeId(), Nps::setOwnLayer(), GlobalViewBuilder::spreadGlobalView(), and NeighborCache::updateNode().
private |
Definition at line 527 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by initRpcs(), and internalHandleRpcMessage().
private |
Definition at line 525 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by initRpcs(), and sendRpcCall().
private |
Definition at line 522 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by initRpcs().
private |
Definition at line 524 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by cancelAllRpcs(), cancelRpcMessage(), initRpcs(), internalHandleRpcMessage(), and sendRpcCall().
private |
Definition at line 525 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by initRpcs(), and sendRpcCall().
protected |
Definition at line 427 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by initRpcs().
protected |
NodeHandle to this node.
Definition at line 73 of file BaseRpc.h.
Referenced by Quon::addSite(), BasePastry::baseChangeState(), BasePastry::baseInit(), oversim::Nice::BasicJoinLayer(), MyOverlay::callbackNeighbors(), MyOverlay::callbackTimeout(), Gia::changeState(), Bamboo::changeState(), Quon::changeState(), oversim::Nice::changeState(), Pastry::changeState(), oversim::Nice::checkLeaderHeartbeatsForCollisions(), Pastry::checkProxCache(), oversim::Nice::cleanPeers(), oversim::Nice::ClusterMerge(), oversim::Nice::ClusterMergeRequest(), oversim::Nice::ClusterSplit(), Nps::coordsReqRpcResponse(), BasePastry::createStateMessage(), Quon::deleteSite(), MyApplication::deliver(), Bamboo::doGlobalTuning(), Pastry::doJoinUpdate(), Bamboo::doLocalTuning(), Pastry::doRoutingTableMaintenance(), Pastry::doSecondStage(), Pastry::endProcessingState(), MyOverlay::findNode(), BasePastry::findNode(), Kademlia::findNode(), BasePastry::finishOverlay(), oversim::Nice::getHighestLayer(), oversim::Nice::getHighestLeaderLayer(), oversim::Nice::getMaxDistance(), oversim::Nice::getMeanDistance(), MyOverlay::getNeighbors(), getThisNode(), oversim::Nice::gracefulLeave(), Quon::handleAppMessage(), oversim::Nice::handleAppMessage(), Pastry::handleFailedNode(), oversim::Nice::handleNiceClusterMergeRequest(), oversim::Nice::handleNiceHeartbeat(), oversim::Nice::handleNiceJoinCluster(), oversim::Nice::handleNiceJoineval(), oversim::Nice::handleNiceLeaderHeartbeat(), oversim::Nice::handleNiceLeaderTransfer(), oversim::Nice::handleNiceMulticast(), oversim::Nice::handleNicePingProbe(), oversim::Nice::handleNicePollRp(), oversim::Nice::handleNiceQuery(), oversim::Nice::handleNiceQueryResponse(), oversim::Nice::handleNiceRemove(), Pastry::handlePastryJoinCall(), Pastry::handlePastryJoinResponse(), NeighborCache::handleReadyMessage(), SimpleGameClient::handleRealworldPacket(), BasePastry::handleRequestLeafSetCall(), Bamboo::handleRequestLeafSetResponse(), Pastry::handleRequestLeafSetResponse(), BasePastry::handleRequestLeafSetResponse(), Pastry::handleRequestRepairCall(), Pastry::handleRequestRepairResponse(), BasePastry::handleRequestRoutingRowCall(), Pastry::handleRequestRoutingRowResponse(), BasePastry::handleRequestRoutingRowResponse(), Pastry::handleRequestStateCall(), Pastry::handleRequestStateResponse(), Pastry::handleRpcCall(), MyOverlay::handleRpcCall(), BasePastry::handleRpcCall(), Bamboo::handleRpcResponse(), Pastry::handleRpcResponse(), BasePastry::handleRpcResponse(), Pastry::handleRpcTimeout(), Kademlia::handleRpcTimeout(), BasePastry::handleRpcTimeout(), Pastry::handleStateMessage(), Bamboo::handleStateMessage(), MyApplication::handleTimerEvent(), Pastry::handleTimerEvent(), Bamboo::handleTimerEvent(), KBRTestApp::handleTimerEvent(), NeighborCache::handleTimerEvent(), Quon::handleUDPMessage(), MyApplication::handleUDPMessage(), Pastry::handleUDPMessage(), Landmark::initializeApp(), KBRTestApp::initializeApp(), Vast::initializeOverlay(), Quon::initializeOverlay(), MyOverlay::initializeOverlay(), oversim::Nice::initializeOverlay(), internalHandleRpcMessage(), MyOverlay::isSiblingFor(), BasePastry::isSiblingFor(), Kademlia::isSiblingFor(), oversim::Nice::JoinCluster(), MyOverlay::joinOverlay(), Kademlia::joinOverlay(), oversim::Nice::LeaderTransfer(), Bamboo::lookupFinished(), oversim::Nice::maintenance(), oversim::Nice::mergeNeeded(), Pastry::mergeState(), BasePastry::newLeafs(), BasePastry::pingNodes(), Pastry::pingResponse(), oversim::Nice::pollRP(), NeighborCache::prepareOverlay(), BasePastry::prePing(), Pastry::processState(), BasePastry::proxCallback(), Quon::purgeSites(), oversim::Nice::Query(), Pastry::recursiveRoutingHook(), Kademlia::recursiveRoutingHook(), oversim::Nice::Remove(), Kademlia::routingAdd(), Kademlia::routingInit(), oversim::Nice::sendDataToOverlay(), oversim::Nice::sendHeartbeats(), oversim::Nice::sendHeartbeatTo(), Quon::sendMessage(), oversim::Nice::sendRemoveTo(), sendRpcCall(), sendRpcResponse(), Kademlia::sendSiblingFindNodeCall(), Quon::sendToApp(), Kademlia::setBucketUsage(), NeighborCache::setCbrNodeId(), MyOverlay::setOwnNodeID(), oversim::Nice::splitNeeded(), NeighborCache::updateNcsInfo(), SimpleGameClient::updateNeighbors(), NeighborCache::updateNode(), Quon::updateThisSite(), BasePastry::updateTooltip(), Gia::updateTooltip(), Kademlia::updateTooltip(), and oversim::Nice::updateVisualization().